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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Many Blessings

My family has been incredibly blessed in the past few months. We needed someone to take our many animals and house. Our two dogs, Zippy and Moses, are going to live with a family friend on her horse farm. My brother's pigeon, Arcadia, is going to a friend of his who wants to have the pigeon for 4-H. An old friend of my mom's from high school and her daughter are going to move in to our house, and our chickens and cat, Mordecai, are staying with them.
When we move, we were going to take our van with all our necessities in it, and that's it. We were praying for a trailer because our van barely holds the six of us, much less all of us and all of our stuff. A local church donated us a trailer that is just the right size.
We went clearance shopping a couple of weeks ago, because a few family members needed clothes, particularly my mom. My dad and brother found a lot of great deals for themselves, but Mom didn't. My dad told her to pray for pants. About a week later, Mom went to help out a friend who had just had surgery, and her daughter had a crate full of brand name pants that were my mom's size. My mom came home with nineteen pairs of thirty to fifty dollar pants. Now she's praying for tops. :)
My youngest sister, Lydia, is only three and is required to have a nanny while the rest of us go through our training. Yesterday it was confirmed that we are going to have a nanny for Lydia,
Wouldn't you think that if God didn't want us to go, He wouldn't have given us all of that? He's not going to just take it all back and dash all of our hopes. He will provide a way for everything to work out. This is a great confirmation for me because in the past, we've said we were going to move here or there, and then God shut those doors. That's happened three times in the last couple of years. When Dad told us we were moving and joining YWAM, I wasn't certain it would really happen. Now I know it is.

Some of Mom's new pants.


  1. Are you atleast going to take some toys? I'm sure that would atleast take your favorite doll and a few stuffed animals......Like there is no way to part a kid with their favorite toy, right? I would probably take my doll Babycakes, my toy pink lion Strawberry, and a few of my other toys. Are you going to be able to keep my letters? I can imagine that would probably too much to take if you are going to be moving with such a small vehicle. I wish you could be a missionary in IN. :) Hehe! That would be nice. I hope you don't have to part with EVERYTHING. I remember when we moved, we had to get rid of my little kiddie pool with the built in slide and steps. There wasn't any room for it. I hope it works out alright for you guys. Love, Charis.

  2. In reply to Charis:
    I do have a few stuffed animals I'm bringing. My grandma is going to keep my breakable dolls for me. I'll keep your letters. Thanks!

  3. Wow Saige. You are giving up a lot, but you will be blessed for it... If not being blessed by getting the experience and fun of it all, even more blessing will come your way.

  4. Yeah. It is hard for man to part with materialized things. But for kids, it's even more than just giving up your belongings, it's like losing some of your very best friends. And they can also have a lot of memories, like it could have belonged to someone you loved, or it could have been given to you by someone you never ever see, or your best friend, or this toy makes you feel better in bad times.Or, if you would be bored with out one particular thing.Now after Christmas my mom is making me get rid of a lot of things.I managed to get about a bag full of garage sale items. Now instead of filling up 2 storage tubs and a toy box, it's more like it could all fit into one tub. I used to have about that much. But my mom still doesn't think it's enough. Now after going through all of those tubs and boxes and stuff, she just can't wait to get me started on my room. If it's stuff I've been playing with recently, it most likely won't be something I could get rid of.
