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Saturday, January 30, 2010


Being an Aeronautical Scientist's daughter, I naturally have to share a post or two about airplanes. So, here is the first one:

I love the "old fashioned" planes with the propellers on the nose. I think they are intriguing. That one small propeller is holding that humongous aircraft in the air, spinning so fast you can't even see it. In a way, the propeller can remind us about Christ.
First of all, there are the three parts that jut out from the middle. Those parts are like the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The part in the middle is a person walking with Christ. When one walks with Christ, one has the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost all connected to the person (please excuse my old fashioned writing, I read a lot of old books).
I was at the woman's retreat that my grandmother leads this weekend, and one of the things she mentioned in her message was that Jesus is our propeller. Jesus holds us up while we're soaring through life, and when we're down on the ground, He's there to pick us back up.

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