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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Random Ramblings

Here in Colorado, the weather is quite mysterious. On Monday, it was freezing cold and snowing (I went for a run). On Tuesday, it was really warm and we didn't need shirts (Rachel and I took the kids to the movies). Yesterday, it was cold again and raining, and now today, it's sunny out and looks warm, but it's chilly.

Our days look like this: in the morning Mom and Dad go to the base, while we (meaning my siblings and Rachel and me) stay home and do school and clean the house. Then we join the DTS students at the base for lunch, and while they go back to class we take the kids to the library or some other fun activity. Then we head back to the base and hang out until dinner, after which we leave for home. Kind of a chaotic schedule, but everyone is adjusting.

On Sunday afternoon we went for a hike in the mountains with one of the staff of YWAM as our guide. It was about a two mile hike, and as we got higher, instead of getting colder, we got warmer. After traveling back down the mountain, nine of us crammed into an eight passenger SUV. At least the view out the windows was beautiful, even if I couldn't feel my feet. :)

This has been Random Ramblings of a homeschooler, thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't mean we actually didn't mean shirts. That was a mistype. We didn't need coats is what I meant.
