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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hey all! Sorry I haven't posted in over two weeks-we have been without internet for a week, and very busy packing. We have been packing because we're are (yet again) moving and "setting up house" in a small town in Washington. This way, we will be super close to the airfield we are working with, and it's a cute little town where we will be able to build some more relationships. I'm hoping to make some good friends there.
We have been without internet because Mom got the opportunity to go speak at my grandmother's womens' advance in Ohio. We get our internet through her phone, which she took with her. Mom had a great time and enjoyed herself, and people's lives were touched. Meanwhile, the rest of us were left to cope without her. We do alright, but we were having a little trouble knowing what to pack, so hopefully we will make more progress now that she's home.
Here's a cute picture I decided to throw in:

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